Buchteln with Vanilla Sauce
Buchteln is usually filled sweet with "Powidl", a plum or apricot jam, and served with a warm homemade vanilla sauce. It is perfect as a dessert or winter afternoon tea. In Austrian tradition, it can also be served as a main course.
Add <quantity>250<unit>ml</unit></quantity> of milk to a small saucepan and warm it up over low heat until lukewarm
Crumble <quantity>21<unit>g</unit></quantity> of fresh yeast in a bowl and add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of sugar
Add a little bit of the warm milk to the bowl and whisk to dissolve. Let the mixture sit for 10m to activate the yeast
Add <quantity>500<unit>g</unit></quantity> of all-purpose flour and <quantity>90<unit>g</unit></quantity> of sugar to a large bowl
Melt <quantity>75<unit>g</unit></quantity> of unsalted cubed butter over low heat with the rest of the milk
Add the melted butter and milk to the flour mixture and stir
Add the activated yeast and stir
Add <quantity>1</quantity> egg yolk and stir
Knead the dough until uniform. Shape it into a ball
Brush the dough with vegetable oil
Cover it with a kitchen towel and let it proof for 1h. The sweet yeast dough is ready
Dust the Sweet Yeast Dough and the worksurface with flour. Divide the dough in half
Roll out the dough to 5mm thick
Grease a baking pan with melted butter
Divide the dough into <quantity>6<unit>cm</unit></quantity> squares
Place <quantity>1<unit>tsp</unit></quantity> of apricot jam in each square
Fold the ends of the squares together, pinching the dough to enclose the jam. Form balls and let them rest for 30m in the greased baking dish to proof
Preheat the oven to <temperature>175<unit>°C</unit></temperature>
Brush the buns with melted butter
Bake for 25m until golden brown
Sprinkle them with powered sugar. The buchteln are ready
Separate the yolks and whites of <quantity>2</quantity> eggs
Add <quantity>30<unit>g</unit></quantity> of white sugar and a pinch of salt. Whisk to combine
Place <quantity>200<unit>ml</unit></quantity> of milk and <quantity>50<unit>ml</unit></quantity> of cream in a saucepan
Scrape out the seeds of <quantity>½</quantity> vanilla bean. Add the seeds and bean to the milk
Bring the milk and cream to a boil, remove from the heat and take out the vanilla bean
Pour a small amount of the milk and cream into the egg yolk bowl while beating. Once incorporated, add the remaining milk to the bowl, still beating
Mix <quantity>2<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of milk with <quantity>1<unit>tsp</unit></quantity> of cornstarch in a small recipient
Return the milk, cream, and egg yolk mixture to the saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring constantly
Add the milk and cornstarch mixture to the saucepan. Stir until the sauce thickens. Do not overheat, or lumps will form
Strain through a sieve. The vanilla sauce is ready
Plate the Buchteln
Serve with the Vanilla Sauce. The buchteln with vanilla sauce is ready!
Enjoy this sweetness!
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