Burger Patty
Make your own homemade burgers by mixing meat cuts with the perfect fat ratio. The cooking time will depend on the desired doneness of the meat. Here, we're making a well done burger. You can make your own burger and combine it with a mashed potato or with a salad.
Cut <quantity>320<unit>g</unit></quantity> of brisket into medium cubes
Place the meat in a bowl
Cut <quantity>320<unit>g</unit></quantity> chuck into medium cubes
Add the chuck to the brisket and mix by hand
Grind the meat
Divide the meat into <quantity>160<unit>g</unit></quantity> balls
Press to shape the burger
Add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of vegetable oil to a heated skillet
Season the patty with salt and black pepper to taste. Place it in the skillet
Press the patty with a grill weight and cook for 3m until seared
Flip the patty and cook with the weight for 3m until seared. The burger patty is ready
Enjoy it!
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