Cachaça & Lemon Brigadeiro
This recipe is for caipirinha lovers, but in the dessert version. You must try it!
Add <quantity>2<unit>cups</unit></quantity> of condensed milk to a saucepan over low heat
Add <quantity>⅓<unit>cup</unit></quantity> of white chocolate and <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of butter. Stir to melt and combine all the ingredients
Add the zest from <quantity>1</quantity> lemon
Add <quantity>⅓<unit>cup</unit></quantity> of aged cachaça and whisk to combine
Add a pinch of salt and whisk constantly for 10-15m, until the mixture starts to thicken and pull away from the bottom
Transfer to a container and cover with cling film, pressing it against the surface. Place in the refrigerator for 1h to firm
Combine the zest from <quantity>1</quantity> lemon with <quantity>½<unit>cup</unit></quantity> of coarse sugar
Shape the chilled chocolate mixture into balls and roll them on the sugar and lemon zest mixture. The cachaça & lemon brigadeiro is ready
Enjoy your drink in the form of a dessert!
I'm here to answer any questions you have about Cachaça & Lemon Brigadeiro. Try me!