Crème Brûlée
You could say that this is a twist on a crème brûlée or a crema catalana. It's a great dessert for family dinners. Your kitchen will also smell great when you're done!
Add <quantity>1<unit>L</unit></quantity> of milk, <quantity>250<unit>g</unit></quantity> of sugar and the peels of <quantity>2</quantity> lemons to a large pot over low heat
Stir and let it simmer for 10m or until the sugar ir completely dissolved
Separate <quantity>4</quantity> egg yolks in a bowl and add <quantity>35<unit>g</unit></quantity> of cornstarch. Save the egg whites for other preparations
Whisk until homogeneous
Remove the lemon peels and turn off the heat
Add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of the hot milk and whisk to incorporate. Pour the mixture back into the pot
Turn the heat on to low and cook the mixture. Whisk constantly until it thickens
Remove from heat and divide into individual bowls. Let it sit for 30m at room temperature to cool down
Sprinkle a generous and uniform layer of sugar over each bowl
Caramelize the surface with a kitchen torch until deep brown
Sprinkle flaky salt to taste. The crème brûlée is ready
Crack the caramel and enjoy!
I'm here to answer any questions you have about Crème Brûlée. Try me!