Doce de Leite
Not only is doce de leite a dessert and a side dish, but also a way to preserve milk. This recipe goes very well with cottage cheese, but it also works on a toast or even on its own on a spoon.
Put <quantity>4<unit>l</unit></quantity> of milk in a large pot over low heat
Add <quantity>800<unit>g</unit></quantity> of white sugar
Add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of baking soda
Add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of salt. Stir periodically
Gradually increase the temperature until it reaches a simmer
Stir the doce de leite every 15m until it gets light brown. Repeat 4 times
Stir the doce de leite every 10m until it gets darker and thicker. Repeat 4 times
Stir the doce de leite every 5m until it gets thicker. Repeat 4 times
Test the readiness by dropping a small amount of doce de leite into a glass of water. If it forms a string, it is ready. If not, simmer a little more
Pour it into a jar to store. The doce de leite is ready
Enjoy it by itself or with a piece of cheese.
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