Italian Meringue
A stable, shiny and smooth meringue, perfect for topping pies and cakes, especially if you want to delicately caramelize it with a torch, giving that irresistible toasted marshmallow flavor.
Add <quantity>450<unit>g</unit></quantity> of sugar to a high side pan
Add <quantity>100<unit>ml</unit></quantity> of water and <quantity>½<unit>tsp</unit></quantity> of vinegar
Stir to dissolve the sugar and turn the heat on to medium. Simmer until it reaches <temperature>116<unit>°C</unit></temperature> and remove from heat
Add <quantity>180<unit>g</unit></quantity> of egg whites to a stand mixer bowl with the whisk attachment and mix on medium-high speed until foamy but not too firm. Reserve
Restart the mixer with the egg whites at medium speed. Pour the hot syrup in a steady stream along the edge of the bowl and continue whisking until the bowl is cool to the touch. The Italian meringue will be ready
Enjoy! Use it to top your next pie!
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