A creamy, tasty, velvety, and very easy to make mayonnaise! You can use it as a sandwich spread, in salads, as a dip, in marinades, as a sauce or as a base for dressings. This Mayonnaise goes perfectly with an egg salad and an egg sandwich, also by Andrea Kaufmann, available on CREME.
Add <quantity>2</quantity> egg yolks and <quantity>1</quantity> egg to a tall container
Season with salt to taste and add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of apple cider vinegar
Add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of mustard and <quantity>1½<unit>cups</unit></quantity> of vegetable oil
Mix with a hand blender for 90s to thicken it. The mayonnaise is ready
Enjoy it with sandwiches, salads, or in any recipe you want!
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