Meadowsweet Syrup
The meadowsweet flower has a distinct aftertaste of bitter almond, which makes a delicious syrup for drinks and refreshments.
Peel <quantity>2</quantity> lemons and reserve the peels
Remove the white part of the lemons and slicing them
Add <quantity>1<unit>bunch</unit></quantity> of meadowsweet flowers to a bowl, along with the lemon peels and slices
Add <quantity>2</quantity> cinnamon sticks
Add <quantity>3<unit>L</unit></quantity> of water to a large pot
Add <quantity>1.5<unit>kg</unit></quantity> of white sugar. Whisk and bring to a boil until the sugar is completely dissolved
Pour the water and sugar mixture over the bowl with the meadowsweet flowers and cover it with a lid. Let it infuse refrigerated for 4d
Strain it through a cloth
Transfer it to a clean bottle. The meadowsweet syrup is ready
Use it in your drinks and refreshments!
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