Pickled Bur Cucumber
Great for sandwiches and dishes that need a touch of acidity. You can use it in salads or eat it by itself with a glass of beer!
Place <quantity>100<unit>ml</unit></quantity> of water and <quantity>140<unit>ml</unit></quantity> of rice wine vinegar in a medium saucepan
Add <quantity>70<unit>ml</unit></quantity> of white wine vinegar and <quantity>2</quantity> bay leaves
Add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of coriander seeds and <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of black peppercorn
Add <quantity>90<unit>g</unit></quantity> of white sugar and <quantity>15<unit>g</unit></quantity> of salt
Bring to a boil and stir until the salt and sugar are dissolved
Place <quantity>6</quantity> sanitized bur cucumbers in a pickle jar and cover them with the hot liquid. Seal with a lid and store in the refrigerator. The pickled bur cucumber is ready
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