Shortcrust Dough
This very versatile dough can be used to make quiches and pies, or even as a cracker to spread with creams and dips.
Place <quantity>320<unit>g</unit></quantity> of all-purpose flour <quantity>½<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of salt and <quantity>½<unit>tsp</unit></quantity> of baking powder in a stand mixer bowl
Set the stand mixer with the paddle attachment and add <quantity>200<unit>g</unit></quantity> diced butter while mixing on low speed
Mix until a sand texture is obtained
Add <quantity>1</quantity> egg and mix until all ingredients are combined into a smooth dough. Avoid over kneading to prevent elasticity
Transfer to a work surface and make a disk shape
Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for at least 20m before use. The shortcrust dough is ready
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