Wild Hop Shoots & Linden Leaves Egg Sandwich
All hop varieties are associated with beer, but did you know that hop shoots are very similar to young asparagus, and that you can eat them with confidence? Here, you'll try them with egg and young linden leaves, which taste similar to green apples. Perfect to be done outdoors, surrounded by wild nature.
Cut <quantity>2</quantity> large sourdough bread slices
Add <quantity>2<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of olive oil and <quantity>6</quantity> garlic cloves to a pan over medium heat. Cook until the garlic gets golden brown and add the sliced bread. Toast until both sides are gold brown
Trim and cut <quantity>1<unit>bunch</unit></quantity> of wild hop shoots into medium pieces
Add <quantity>1<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of butter in the pan with the garlic. Cook over low heat
Pan-fry the hop shoots in the butter until the leaves just start to wilt
Add <quantity>20<unit>g</unit></quantity> of young linden leaves and buds
Season with salt and black pepper to taste
Transfer the hop shoots and linden leaves to a bowl
Halve <quantity>1<unit>bunch</unit></quantity> of radishes, leaving the greens on
Add <quantity>2<unit>tbsp</unit></quantity> of olive oil to a pan over medium heat. Crack open <quantity>1</quantity> egg
Season the egg with salt and black pepper to taste
Baste the top of the egg with oil from the pan to get a even cook
Add the radishes to the pan and baste the egg again
Add the hop shoots, the linden buds and <quantity>1</quantity> roasted garlic clove to the pan
Put a slice of toasted bread on a plate and add the egg on top
Add <quantity>½</quantity> of the the stir-fry radishes and hops
Top with <quantity>½</quantity> of the linden buds
Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Fry the second egg and baste it like the first. Plate it on the second piece of toast. The wild hops & linden leaves egg sandwich is ready
Enjoy this spring treat!
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